Home Documentation Import locations

Import locations

Beginner's Guide iFlow App
Beginner's Guide iFlow App
If you have a large number of locations where your employees work, you can add them to the application through Location Import.

1. Uploading data

There are 2 ways to record data, either by uploading a file or by copying the paste function in the corresponding areas on the application interface.

  • From the main menu “Employees” – “Import locations”
  • Upload the file to the “Upload a file” area or copy and paste the desired data into the “Paste from Excel” area

You can only import location names and define them as active or inactive by True / False or 1/0 (True and 1 = active, False and 0 = inactive).
Fill in the data in clear columns, each column containing its data. Ex. for the location name, there should be a column containing only the name, not other information.

2. Defining fields

In this step you will choose what each column means. At this point you will be able to choose between:

  • Location name
  • Active (column that defines location as active or inactive)
  • Skip (this option will ignore that column and will not be imported)

Choose the desired option for each column in the file in the “Column will be assigned to:” area – then click “Next.”

3. Check data

During this stage, you will be able to do an additional check before registering the data in the application. You can choose which data to check and what to do with the data after it.

To import locations, you can check for duplicates in your location list, or you can use this step to update the existing location list in the app.

The comparison will be made based on the name of the locations.

If you do not want to check the data, you can deactivate it from the “On / Off” button.

If you chose the “On” option – you will need to choose an option for the fields:

  • “If a match is found”
  • “If a value does not already exist”
  • Select the desired options and click “Next” to continue.

4. Data validation

In the validation part, if there are duplicates you will choose what happens to each of these data.

Either change the name so that it is unique and imported, or omit that field.

Make the desired selections and click “Next” to continue.

You will be informed later about the actions that will be taken for your data. If you agree with this conclusion, click “Next”.

5. Completed

When you reach this stage it means that you have completed the import. You can upload another document now by clicking the “Retry” button, or you can leave this page.



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