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Noul Modul de Evaluare a Angajaților va fi lansat în curând! Obține acces prioritar și reducere de 20%! Află mai multe!

Noul Modul de Evaluare a Angajaților va fi lansat în curând! Obține acces prioritar și reducere de 20%! Află mai multe!

API Name:


We use this API to get the activity overview report from iFlow, which contains data about project participation.

Quick info:

The data we get from the activity overview report will be set by default as it is set in iFlow application.

Full url

Method: GET


CURL request

Method: GET

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCES TOKEN}" https://app.iflow.ro/api/api_v2/projects/activity

Method: POST

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCES TOKEN}" -d "start_date={VALUE}&end_date={VALUE}&pids={VALUE(S)}&users_ids={VALUE(S)}&projects_ids={VALUE(S)}&total_projects_hours ={true/false}" https://app.iflow.ro/api/api_v2/projects/activity


Access token

The API access token is generated from Iflow, with a label name of your choosing and is assigned to an administrator from the company.

POST method info:
With POST method you can select data that you get from the activity overview report by start and end date, by unique project code, by user id and by project id. The totals parameter is set from the report in the iFlow application.

Start date

With the key "start_date" you will get information from the activity report starting with the value of the key.

End date

With the key "end_date" you will get information from the activity report ending with the value of the key.

Unique project code

The unique project code aka "pids" can get the report information with attendance on the projects that have set the unique code. You can also get information from multiple projects if you set the "pids" key with values separated by a comma.

User id

Based on the "users_ids" key you can get information for specific user, or users if the values imputed are multiple users ids separated by commas.

Project id

Based on the "projects_ids" key you can get information for specific project, or projects if the values imputed are multiple projects ids separated by commas.

Projects total hours

Based on the "total_projects_hours " key, if it is set to true, you get an extra row with empty values except in totals where the value of total will show all hours worked on all projects from date interval selected. Default or absent, this key is set to false.

Where are the unique projects codes("pids")?

Where are the "users_ids"?

Where are the "projects_ids"?


Ok response:

If everything is ok, you get a list of attendances with no errors.

        "row_no": 8,
        "ID": 7,
        "cnp": "5555555555555",
        "mark_number": "",
        "full_name": "Miclea Dorin",
        "team_name": "Development",
        "project_name": "Project name",
        "project_name_for_lists": "Project name",
        "sub_project_name": "",
        "sub_project_name_for_lists": "",
        "location_name": "",
        "user_id_rowspan": 1,
        "project_id_rowspan": 1,
        "location_id_rowspan": 1,
        "days_data": {
            "2022-10-11": {
                "value": 9,
                "predefined_shift": "",
                "title": "",
                "color": "",
                "free_day_name": "",
                "live_attendance_issue": "",
                "start_time": 8,
                "end_time": 17,
                "check_in": "08:00:00",
                "check_out": "17:00:00",
                "is_employed": true
        "totals_data": {
            "row_no": 8,
            "user_id": 7,
            "project_id": 5555,
            "pid": "1212",
            "location_id": false,
            "user_id_rowspan": 1,
            "project_id_rowspan": 1,
            "location_id_rowspan": 1,
            "totals": {
                "total": 9,
                "total_weekdays": 9
            "leave_hours": [],
            "totals_with_id": [],
            "totals_extra": {
                "project_id": 9

Ok response:

Ok response with "total_projects_hours " parameter.

        "row_no": 8,
        "ID": 7,
        "cnp": "5555555555555",
        "mark_number": "",
        "full_name": "Miclea Dorin",
        "team_name": "Development",
        "project_name": "Project name",
        "project_name_for_lists": "Project name",
        "sub_project_name": "",
        "sub_project_name_for_lists": "",
        "location_name": "",
        "user_id_rowspan": 1,
        "project_id_rowspan": 1,
        "location_id_rowspan": 1,
        "days_data": {
            "2022-10-11": {
                "value": 9,
                "predefined_shift": "",
                "title": "",
                "color": "",
                "free_day_name": "",
                "live_attendance_issue": "",
                "start_time": 8,
                "end_time": 17,
                "check_in": "08:00:00",
                "check_out": "17:00:00",
                "is_employed": true
        "totals_data": {
            "row_no": 8,
            "user_id": 7,
            "project_id": 5555,
            "pid": "1212",
            "location_id": false,
            "user_id_rowspan": 1,
            "project_id_rowspan": 1,
            "location_id_rowspan": 1,
            "totals": {
                "total": 9,
                "total_weekdays": 9
            "leave_hours": [],
            "totals_with_id": [],
            "totals_extra": {
                "project_id": 9
        "row_no": "",
        "ID": "",
        "cnp": "",
        "mark_number": "",
        "full_name": "",
        "team_name": "",,
        "project_name": "",
        "project_name_for_lists": "",
        "sub_project_name": "",
        "sub_project_name_for_lists": "",
        "location_name": "",
        "user_id_rowspan": "",
        "project_id_rowspan": "",
        "location_id_rowspan": "",
        "totals_data": {
            "row_no": "",
            "user_id": "",,
            "project_id": "",
            "pid": "",,
            "location_id": "",
            "user_id_rowspan": "",
            "project_id_rowspan": "",
            "location_id_rowspan": "",
            "totals": {
                "total": total worked hours on projects,
                "total_weekdays": "",
            "leave_hours": [],
            "totals_with_id": [],
            "totals_extra": {
                "project_id": "",

Examples of errors you can get:

Error response:

    "error": "Key is invalid!"

Error response:

    "error": "Invalid end date: 2022-10-112, correct format is yyyy-mm-dd, ex: 2022-10-25"