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API Name:


We use this API to get monthly iFlow users work schedule data.

Quick info:

First you get month and year values;
Afterwards company free days within current month;
And finally monthly work schedule data of all users.

Full url

Method: GET


CURL request

Method: GET

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS TOKEN}" https://app.iflow.ro/api/api_v2/users/get_work_schedule

Method: POST

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: Bearer {ACCESS TOKEN}" https://app.iflow.ro/api/api_v2/users/get_work_schedule -d "api_language={ro_RO/en_US}&year={VALUE}&month={VALUE}&totals={VALUE}" https://app.iflow.ro/api/api_v2/users/get_work_schedule


Access token

The API access token is generated from Iflow, with a label name of your choosing and is assigned to an administrator from the company.


Method: POST
With api_language key and ro_RO value you can translate the status to romanian.


Method: POST
It displays the work schedule data from the year entered in the value of the "year" key. Default is the current year.


Method: POST
It displays the work schedule data from the month entered in the value of the "month" key. Default is the current month.


Method: POST
Values of the "totals" key are as follows:

   - For total work hours:
    1. Total:
       "totals" => total
       "totals" => total_day
       "totals" => total_night
    2. Week days (monday - friday):
       "totals" => total_weekdays
       "totals" => total_weekdays_day
       "totals" => total_weekdays_night
    3. Weekend:
       "totals" => total_weekend
       "totals" => total_weekend_day
       "totals" => total_weekend_night
    4. Holidays :
       "totals" => total_holiday
       "totals" => total_holiday_day
       "totals" => total_holiday_night

   - Regular schedule (no overtime):
    1. Total:
       "totals" => regular
       "totals" => regular_day
       "totals" => regular_night
    2. Week days (monday - friday):
       "totals" => regular_weekdays
       "totals" => regular_weekdays_day
       "totals" => regular_weekdays_night
    3. Weekend:
       "totals" => regular_weekend
       "totals" => regular_weekend_day
       "totals" => regular_weekend_night
    4. Holidays :
       "totals" => regular_holiday
       "totals" => regular_holiday_day
       "totals" => regular_holiday_night

   - Overtime:
    1. Total:
       "totals" => overtime
       "totals" => overtime_day
       "totals" => overtime_night
    2. Week days (monday - friday):
       "totals" => overtime_weekdays
       "totals" => overtime_weekdays_day
       "totals" => overtime_weekdays_night
    3. Weekend:
       "totals" => overtime_weekend
       "totals" => overtime_weekend_day
       "totals" => overtime_weekend_night
    4. Holidays :
       "totals" => overtime_holiday
       "totals" => overtime_holiday_day
       "totals" => overtime_holiday_night

Ok response:

If everything is ok, you get a list of monthly work schedule with no errors.


    "current_month": 11,
    "current_year": 2022,
    "days_in_month": "30",
    "current_month_company_free_days": {
        "2022-11-30": {
            "ID": "108504",
            "company_id": "1",
            "day_name": "Sfântul Andrei",
            "date": "2022-11-30",
            "users_ids": []
    "user_totals": [
            "user_name": "Abrudan Alexandru",
            "user_id": "2",
            "cnp": "3333333333333",
            "totals": [
                    "category": "Work schedule hours",
                    "section": "Total",
                    "option": "Total",
                    "slug": "regular",
                    "description": "Work schedule hours",
                    "total_regular_hours": 160
            "leave_days": [
                    "name": "01 - Common illness",
                    "timesheet_symbol": "Ci",
                    "slug": "other_leave_1",
                    "leave_hours": 8
            "user_name": "Ban Alina",
            "user_id": "50456",
            "cnp": "5555555555555",
            "totals": [
                    "category": "Work schedule hours",
                    "section": "Total",
                    "option": "Total",
                    "slug": "regular",
                    "description": "Work schedule hours",
                    "total_regular_hours": 168
            "leave_days": []

Examples of errors you can get:

Error response:

    "error": "Key is invalid!"

Error response:

    "error": "Invalid month provided"