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Digital Employee Documents

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With iFlow, you can generate requests automatically. Now you can quickly obtain any document you need for your employees. iFlow has a set of ordinary, predefined documents and requests and the possibility to create custom documents. These are automatically filled with company and employee data; you can edit these pieces of information in any way you need.

iFlow has the following predefined documents, available for any of your employees:

  • Annual leave request
  • Business trip request
  • Leave of absence request
  • Overtime request
  • Time off request

Stop losing time looking for employee data in different files, with iFlow you have all the information you need in one place. These documents are ready to be printed or downloaded at any time with a single click. All you need to do is to add an event, for example: add a paid leave, and the request is automatically generated and automatically filled with the information about the leave and employee data.

Step by step indications:

  • Add an event or choose one already added by one of your employees or team leaders
  • Access the “Activity” menu
  • Click on the event you want
  • If necessary, click on “Approve
  • Then click on “Print”, and you have the paid leave request automatically filled.

Custom documents

With iFlow, you can create your own custom documents. And if you set the right placeholders, these documents will be filled automatically with the data you need.

You can edit the existing documents form the app, or you can create brand new ones. Read further to find out the steps you need to follow to create custom documents.

  • In the main menu “Settings
  • The “Document templates” submenu
  • Click on the “Add template” button
  • Choose “Empty template” or an existing template from the app
  • Compose the content – fill in the templates name
  • Select placeholders by clicking on the “Placeholder button” (for example, for address, the placeholder is {Address}.)
  • Then click the “Save” button.

How do you link a custom template to an event?

You can set the custom templates to be automatically generated when you add an event. For example, the paid leave request is available in the Activity panel after you add a paid leave event.

Learn how to do it by following these steps:

  • From the main menu, „Settings„
  • The „Event types„ tab
  • Click on „Edit„ by the event you want
  • At the „Document„ section, select the document you want
  • Then click „Save„

Stop wasting time with completing the documents manually. Your HR department will be happy to have all your employee’s data in one place at one click away. Register your company now.

Beatrice M.
Beatrice M.
I am a highly optimistic person and I like learning new things everyday. And most of all I like sharing information. I try to be the best version of myself by helping others as much as I can.


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