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Flexibility and transparency

iFlow for IT Departments

In iFlow, your employees can register their flexible work schedule and remote work easily.

Increase productivity level

iFlow - the attendance & HR app uses cloud storage for all your data, allowing you to access it at any time, from any device.

Manage efficiently

Divide employees by teams or departments and choose team-leaders to manage them.

Home Office

Employees check-in/out from home and the admin can see their registered work time.

Upload documents

Employees can upload documents for their requests directly in the app.

Flexible hours for your employees

In iFlow time off is automatically calculated based on overtime hours. Employees can see in their profile the number of hours left to compensate for.

Viamedici Software Lab used to track all their working hours on paper. By using iFlow they have shortened by 70% the time they take to track attendance. From now, they can focus on developing projects for their company’s success.

Create your own event types

Create a Home Office event to register the hours your employees work from home. You can add any type of customized event based on your needs.

Gemini CAD Systems got rid of files and enjoys being able to see all the paid leave days - online, with just one click.

Time tracking on projects

Your employees clock in on projects, sub-projects, or tasks, and upon project completion, you enjoy a comprehensive report automatically generated.

Intelligent Bee are content with their new digitalized way of keeping track of their employee’s attendance. Also, since they are using iFlow they have 0 errors in their timesheets.

The correct organizational structure

You establish the correct hierarchy of your company by dividing employees into departments and teams and allocating rights within the application on an individual level.

Extra iFlow modules

Project management

iPM by iFlow is the comprehensive module for tracking employees' time spent on tasks and projects. iFlow provides you with real-time information about project statuses and how employees are performing their activities. You instantly find out which project is completed or delayed to make informed decisions.

Performance Reviews

Each employee receives the evaluation template and completes it in full confidentiality, and the responses are seen only by their superior. The superior can then make informed decisions regarding employee promotions, granting bonuses, or parting ways with employees who are no longer aligned with the company's policies.

Automatic time bank

With iFlex, you eliminate possible errors and reduce the time spent on manual calculations for the hours worked by employees during the week, weekends, or legal holidays. It simplifies compensating for overtime hours and efficiently manages benefits, whether it's financial compensation or granting time off.

Document management

iDocs is the digital solution for your company's documents, providing you with an efficient alternative to printed folders and files. All company-level documents can be generated and completed automatically, and you can digitally sign them directly within the application. You manage your company's documents in a simple and organized manner, no matter where you are.

iFlow Reminders

Stay constantly connected and informed with iNotify - create reminders for any activity, from general events to managing overtime, vacations, or relevant documents. With iNotify, you'll always be one step ahead, facilitating efficient communication and productive time management in your company.

Administer and plan efficiently

Concentrate on the success of your business and provide positive experiences to your customers. Leave the personnel management and work schedule planning to the iFlow time tracking & HR app.