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iFlow 3.3 – Load documents directly in the app

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The last version of the timekeeping & HR app, iFlow, lets you upload files and documents directly in the app. This update will ease and shorten the approval process, and employees won’t need to deliver any files. Read below to find out more about this feature and other changes.

The benefits of uploading documents in iFlow

Sick leave

  • Fast access to the employee’s medical documents
  • Self-service for the employee, meaning that the user can add the documents in the app for the admin to see
  • Quick approval rate

Business trips

  • Attach your trip sheet
  • Quick approval rate
  • Real-time information
  • Efficient communication 

How do I add documents to events?

When you add a new event (for example, sick leave or business trips, etc.) in the opened box you need to fill in different data, the name of the employee, start and end date, request reason and in the bottom right you will find the “Attach a file” button.

Rapid fix for bugs

iFlow 3.3 happened faster than we thought because we wanted to fix the little bugs noted from our users. The new version comes with a bug-free work schedule and easy to upload documents.

This type of situation is typical for iFlow because of the on-going work that’s happening behind this app. We are always trying to improve your experience and give you all the support you need.

What’s missing in iFlow 3.3, but iFlow 3.4 will bring

We postponed adding “Compensatory time” as a new event because we are currently still testing this new feature. We want to make sure this new event will work properly and exactly how you need it.

Iulia S.
Iulia S.
I am an active social media user that finds new things to learn every day. The internet feels like home to me. My mind is always analyzing something, and what I enjoy doing the most is using everything I know to help others.


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