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DocumentationBeginner's GuideCustom Records – Work Schedule

Custom Records – Work Schedule

This report was created to have a record of certain specific hours/days within your company.

Thanks to the sorting options in this table, you can create a custom column in your work schedule that shows the times/days specific to the information entered.

What does the custom table include?

Column name:

  • Name – the name of the column to be displayed in the table
  • Report symbol – the symbol that will be displayed in the timesheet or work schedule

Select period:

  • Relative period – this type of period is used for a dynamic interval that will be observed month by month.

Example: in the first-month selection frame, choose “current month -5”, and in the second frame, “current month,” the interval calculating the information entered from 5 months ago to the current month.

  • Fixed period – that type of period is used for a specific interval, which can be for a day/week/month/year.

Example: you want to record some hours for a week in February -> that week will be selected, and those hours will be displayed only for the week set in the interval.

Display option in hours or days:

  • Hours: The total information added will be displayed in hours
  • Days: Total information added will be displayed in days

Column settings:

  • Split hours by days – Hours will be split between the day the shift starts and the day the shift ends. (Ex. for the 22:00 – 06:00 program, we will have 2 hours on the day the program starts and 6 hours on the day the program ends.)
  • Show until current day – Attendance will only be filled up to the current date; no data for the following days will be displayed
  • Decimal minutes – Displays the minutes expressed in decimals (ex. 10.30 in decimal is 10.50)

Hours to add – Hours to remove:

In these two frames, you can add all types of available events (paid leave, medical leave, and other events).

Other data:

  • Work schedule (days containing events, with the option to exclude time from totals activated, are excluded)
  • Work schedule total
  • Live attendance
  • Workload (excludes days with events that are excluded from the totals)
  • Workload total

Example of personalized records:

Below is a list of examples of using this module for employee performance.

Custom record of overtime worked last month for shift workers.

  • There are cases in which employees who work shifts exceed the set working hours, which accumulate over time. You can create a column with the record of these hours accumulated for the previous month to observe each employee’s performance.

The column will be created as follows:

  • The relative period will be chosen; in both frames set “current month -1”, the calculation mode should be set in hours, then in “added hours,” you will enter the actual present and in “low hours” workload.

Personalized record of night hours worked in the last month

  • There are cases where certain employees have a work schedule that may include night hours. You have the possibility to create a column that highlights these hours for each previous month compared to the current one.

The column will be created as follows:

  • Choose the relative period; in both frames, set “current month -1”; the calculation mode should be set in hours; in the table with “total hours worked,” you will only check the box next to the night hours of under total, then at added hours you will enter actual attendance.

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