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iFlow 3.9.1 – Work shifts associated with teams

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The iFlow app is in a continuous development process. Version 3.9.1 includes new features that will make employee management easier. Work shifts can now be associated with teams, so no matter how many locations your company has, it is easy and error-free to plan your workshifts.

Find out all the details about the association of work shifts, as well as the new search functions, in the rows below.

Work shifts associated with teams

In iFlow you can add your employees’ work shifts to easily create the schedule. Read more about this here. With this new update, work shifts can be associated with specific teams. This helps you because:

  • If you have multiple teams, in different locations, you can create the same work shift for each of them
  • If you want the leader to plan the schedule, for the employees on that team, it will only have access to work shifts valid for that team
  • If the admin sets the schedule for all employees, it will be much easier if the work shifts that will be displayed are divided into teams

With this functionality, the time needed to plan the work program is reduced.

Filtered search feature

In the app, you can easily search employees or teams using the search function in the main menu bar. The magnifying glass, which is found at the end of the menu, helps you search quickly without having to access other panels.

Now, when you search for a specific department and it is divided into multiple teams, because of its size or any other reason, you will be able to select to see all teams that start with the same letter or word.

“Export data” report

This report was designed to help companies export data from the app as an Excel table. The data can be used for import into other software, such as a specialized salary program. In this table you can add information about other custom events in the application, all you need to do is fill in the space labeled ”Export symbol” when creating that event.

This report can be found at the end of the ”Reports” menu.

Other changes

  • When a user chooses certain display hours options (within filters), they will remain saved to them. Even if the user logs on another device, the application will not return to the default display mode.
  • Files that employees upload when they add events are no longer visible to all users. Now, only the Admin and team-leader have access to these files.
  • The work schedule panel has been modified so that editing is simpler and faster.

Planning and monitoring is easier with iFlow

The latest version of iFlow is easy to use and customize. The application can be tailored to the needs of businesses in any domain. Create a free account, if you haven’t already done so, and test employee management with an online app. Our team is working right now on new functionality for its users.

Iulia S.
Iulia S.
I am an active social media user that finds new things to learn every day. The internet feels like home to me. My mind is always analyzing something, and what I enjoy doing the most is using everything I know to help others.


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