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How did we decide to work from home and what tools do we use?

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We are aware we are not the first company that implements remote work, but this is a first for us. We did not need to try remote work before because of our flexible schedule. As a prevention method during the current situation, the pandemic crisis with COVID-19, the authorities advised everyone to try working from home. Needless to say, we took their advice.

Due to the fact that we want to help all the companies during these times, no matter what their activity field is or the size of it, we are offering the iFlow app for free. New companies that register and are working from home or not can benefit from this offer. All you need to do is to create a new account and send us an e-mail with the text “Together”. Then, we will activate the free account during the COVID-19 crisis, at least for 3 months.

Initial plan

Because this is new to us, we made a plan beforehand. We are in the middle of developing and updating iFlow –  the attendance and HR app and that is why we knew we had to assign tasks correctly for these 2 weeks of remote work.

We are divided into two teams: developing team (programmers) and custom care, sales & marketing team. We already were well organized in the office, so working from home should not be a challenge.

We are continuously offering support to our clients. We are still working to perfect the iFlow app without postponing anything! Due to the current situation, we are testing the app for remote work. Soon we will bring you new features for it.

What apps are we using to work from home?

1. iFlow

Firstly, we are using our time & attendance app – iFlow. We need it now more than ever. We created a new event type: Home Office and use it daily along with the real attendance feature. Also, we are using iFlow if we need to hand out documents, for example, a sick leave certificate, we can upload it directly in the app.

2. Asana

The task app that we are using in the office, fits perfectly for remote work too. We can track the teams and projects easily. Everyone knows exactly what he is supposed to do.

3. Slack

We were using this chat app at the office too, but now we need it even more. Our chats are divided by projects and you can also message any of your colleagues. Communication is the key in a company, especially in developing an app. Slack is also good for video calls.

4. Github

The team of programmers uses Github for the coding part, as they did at the office too. This app allows users to share the code with everyone, to ask for feedback and to add comments. All of these ensures the full collaboration of the team.

5. Skype

We are using it for business conferences with our clients to offer technical support. 

6. Google+ Hangouts

This is another app we are using for video conferences. We opt for one or another based on the preference of our clients.

7. WhatsApp Business

We are always online on the iFlow WhatsApp. You can text us and ask us any questions, even from your personal WhatsApp.

Adapt your home for work

A part of our team already had an office ready for work (especially gamers), but for the ones that didn’t have the right equipment, the company allows you to take home what you need. Even though we are working from home, we still enjoy using professional hardware.

Work from home and children

If you are also in the situation in which the schools are closed it means that your children are at home while you are working. 

How do you work when there is an active child in the house?

Even though it is not easy, it is not impossible! You should try to explain to your child that even though you are at home, you are not on vacation. My advice is to prepare activities for your child before each day, and in this way, you can keep him occupied while you work. You may need to adapt your schedule a little, but you can make it work.

You can plan e-mails and chats for the morning when your child is busy with different activities. You can take phone calls and make conferences at noon while your kid is sleeping. With a few adaptions, you can be as efficient as at the office.

Digitalize your work from home

Use online apps that help you communicate easily with your team and clients. If you don’t already have an iFlow account I think it’s time to make one. Register now and use the attendance & HR app for free to monitor your employee’s remote work.

Iulia S.
Iulia S.
I am an active social media user that finds new things to learn every day. The internet feels like home to me. My mind is always analyzing something, and what I enjoy doing the most is using everything I know to help others.


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