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Update iFlow 4.8

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The role of application updates is to adapt to the new needs of users, to provide a pleasant and useful experience. iFlow 4.8 comes with great additions to existing features and wants to fix bugs, add new features and improve performance. Read this article to find out all their features and benefits.

  1. Employee reviews
  2. Multiple annual leave add
  3. Custom setting for automatic break
  4. Intuitive import feature for employees and locations

Other useful changes:

The report’s design has changed

It is very important for us that the user experience is a pleasant one, so in addition to bringing more efficiency, we want to produce joy during use. The iFlow design team has improved the look of the reports as follows:

  • Some buttons have been replaced for more efficient and easy use;
  • The table’s header is now sticky, so even when you view employees at the bottom of the page, the menu remains visible;
  • The size of the columns is adjustable, for an optimal display of information of interest, on any type of screen.

Team leader check-out

This change came as a result of gaining experience with companies in different industries. There are situations in some companies where two or more team leaders are responsible for the clock-in of subordinate employees.

Even if all members of the team are available to be seen at the clock-out time, a leader may choose to view and close the presence of only those he has clocked-in. This makes a clear distinction between the team members for whom he is responsible on a given day, without any errors.

To respect everyone’s religious choices, individually personalized legal holidays can be added.

Example: An employee celebrates Catholic Easter, which is on a different day than the Orthodox one. For this purpose, a new event called “Catholic Easter” can be created, and assigned only to that employee.

Approval of events by the team leader

For full transparency regarding the approval of events, the way of approving them has changed. From now on, the team leader can no longer approve his own event requests, but will wait for their approval by an administrator. He still remains responsible for approving the events added by the members of his subordinate team, while he is also accountable to another superior.

New Total column in the “My attendance” file

The iFlow application takes into account both the Human Resources staff and the other employees of the company, to whom it offers the independence to clock-in on their own and add event requests. The My Attendance report includes information about one’s timekeeping, on personalized time intervals. Now each employee can download their own attendance report, which includes the entry and exit hours and the total time worked.

*Employees can check their attendance even for a period of one year. The information will be displayed with total times and total planned hours, just so that the employee can see quickly and easily if he has fulfilled his work schedule for the previous year.

New Placeholder “Approved by”

From now on, applications and certificates will be easier to complete and use. Thanks to the new “Approved by” placeholder, the document will be automatically filled in with the name of the person approving. After adding it, all you have to do is download and sign the document, ready to be sent to the Human Resources Manager. By automating this process you save a lot of time that you would otherwise have spent completing documents manually.

The table’s header in the Work schedule panel remains fixed

At iFlow we really want the user experience to be enjoyable while using the app. That’s why we’ve modified the Work schedule panel so that the menu bar stays fixed while browsing. Plus, even when the month changes in the calendar, the menu bar stays in the same position, ensuring an easy and efficient navigation.

Improvements and fixes:

  • Project lists have been optimized;
  • The leader has access to the organization chart;
  • The alphabetical order for names with umlauts has been corrected;
  • Holidays have been added for the years 2023 and 2024;
  • The Work schedule menu has been optimized to load faster;
  • When there is an automatic break, the overtime hours from the real attendance are correctly calculated;
  • There are additional explanations for multiple settings: work schedule templates, timekeeping, and more.

Improve tasks through automation with the iFlow time & attendance application

Each application update brings improvements and repairs to make it more efficient to use and simplify HR processes for companies in various industries.

Want to talk to a specialist to find out how iFlow can help you automate time-consuming HR processes? Schedule a virtual meeting here.

Iulia S.
Iulia S.
I am an active social media user that finds new things to learn every day. The internet feels like home to me. My mind is always analyzing something, and what I enjoy doing the most is using everything I know to help others.


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