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Update iFlow 5.1 – Offline attendance registration

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When we work on a new functionality, when it goes from the idea stage to implementation, we consider utility first. Recently, we have encountered quite often a common problem in companies from various industries – that of the lack of internet and the impossibility of registering attendance on the iFlow time and attendance devices.

To solve these inconveniences, we managed to program the attendance devices to record attendance even without a stable Internet connection. Employees clock-in as usual by simply scanning their card and data is kept safe until the internet comes back on. Then, the data is transferred to the application, and the whole process is done instantly.

offline attendance registration

Keep track of attendance even without internet

The offline attendance registration is now available in iFlow 5.1! Companies with changing workplaces or unstable internet connection don’t have to worry anymore. iFlow devices work the same as they always have, and superiors benefit from the same accurate data, even if not in real time. The information is stored in the cloud and can then be viewed in comprehensive and automatically generated attendance reports.

Iulia S.
Iulia S.
I am an active social media user that finds new things to learn every day. The internet feels like home to me. My mind is always analyzing something, and what I enjoy doing the most is using everything I know to help others.


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