The evolution of iFlow
Find out the most significant steps in developing iFlow,
the app that revolutionized HR departments
Years of
Employees in
the app
February 2025
Update 9.5
- Clock-in with perimeter restriction through geofencing
- Improved accuracy of attendance monitoring
- Optimized mobile application
December 2024
Update 9.4
- External documents
- Document sharing via link
- Document protection through encryption and password
November 2024
Update 9.3
- Comparison between reviews
- Reminders for reviews
- New event for planning paid leave
- New categories for custom fields
October 2024
Update 9.2
- Recording work time on projects, independent of timesheets
- Activities and sections for advanced organization
- Dedicated widget on both the main dashboard and the employee profile
- Structuring the work report by projects, based on activities performed
- Billable projects
August 2024
Update 9.1
- iOS app update
- iOS mobile notifications
July 2024
Update 9.0
- 360 Degree Feedback
- Customizable deadlines
- Anonymous responses
- Intuitive charts and visualizations
- Predefined and custom templates
- Automated assessments
- Detailed reports based on the evaluated employee and the entire evaluation session
May 2024
Update 8.3
- Notes on attendance intervals
- Transfer between reports together with selected filters
- Reports are visible to employees
- New placeholders for company documents
- Suspended employment contracts in time reporting
- New password rule
- Location registration from the One Button app
February 2024
Update 8.2
- Customized access to reports
- Absent time in the timekeeping report
- Total vacation days in the timekeeping report
- Integration with Google and Microsoft calendars
- Excluded breaks from requests
February 2024
Update 8.1
- Work anniversary widget
- Overtime and leave request widget
- Custom widget
- Virtual teams
January 2024
Update 8.0
- Paid time-off bank
- Widgets on the dashboard
- iNotify - General reminders
- Calculator column on reports
- Improved comment system
- GPS data capture on the QR Timesheet code
November 2023
Update 7.2
- Absentee filter on the dashboard
- Restriction for in-app Timesheet
- 2024 vacation days and holidays
- Detailed attendance log
- Spreadsheet on work schedule
- Permission to add and view events
September 2023
Update 7.1
- 2 Factor Authentication – Documents
- Enhanced Messaging
August 2023
Update 7.0
- Project collaborators
- Public/private projects
- One Button Check-In/Out
- Event comments
- Shift swap between employees
- General Documents at company level
- Totals for custom columns
- Integration with the Sodexo meal voucher provider
July 2023
Update 6.2
- iDocs reminders
- Icons for events
- Launch of iFlow Kiosk
June 2023
Update 6.1
- Quick panel with working hours
- Checklists and actions on the work schedule
- HR+ leader permissions
- Document editing permission for employees
May 2023
Update 6.0
- iDOCS module - digital document archive
- Document upload in the application
- Electronic signature for all employees
- Document auto-fill
- Organization by signature status
March 2023
Update 5.5
- Single-Sign-On with Gmail and Outlook
- Custom fields in the organization reports
- Filter on employee records
- New team creation method
February 2023
Update 5.4
- Departments and organizational chart
- Filter on the holiday leave report
- Display of overlapping events
- Employee contact information in the personal profile
- Custom events displayed in the Timesheet
November 2022
Update 5.3
- Folder organization
- Document numbering system
- Document templates in settings
- Document templates for each type of paid leave
- API development
October 2022
Update 5.2
- iFlow app available on iOS
- Multiple company access from the same interface
- Integrated email notifications
- Data transfer through API
- Real vacation planning report
August 2022
Update 5.1
- Employee evaluation report
- Offline attendance recording
- Contract information in the employee profile
- Tables in custom documents
July 2022
Update 5.0
- iPM (iFlow Project Management)
- New project management module
- Automatic time-off bank
- Template-based project import
- Photo capture on phone clock-ins
- Comprehensive sick leave report
May 2022
Update 4.9.1
- Activity report for projects and work tasks
- Automatic calculation of paid leave when a contract is terminated or suspended
- Simplification of adding new users
- Employee reviews with complete data
- Selecting a replacement for the missing employee on leave requests
April 2022
Update 4.9
- E-mail notifications for the real attendance of employees
- Complex reports easy to download and read
- Association of projects with devices or teams
- The Real attendance report became more comprehensive
- Quick check of opened clock-ins
- Search option in the Timesheet report filters
- Option to view the password while typing it
- Easy select of all employees
March 2022
Update 4.8.1
- Attendance import from the access control system
- Link or QR code clock-in
- The live chat was added
- Other improvements and fixes
February 2022
Update 4.8
- Employee reviews
- The reports design was changed
- Multiple annual leave add
- Intuitive import feature for employees and locations
- Custom setting for automatic break
- Adding legal holidays on user level
- Other improvements and fixes
December 2021
ISO 9001:2015 Certification
December marks the achievement of the "CERTIND - In accordance with the requirements of SR EN ISO 9001: 2015 / ISO 9001: 2015" certificate, by the management system of ELECTRONISTA SRL, having the certification field "Custom software development activities (customer-oriented software)".
November 2021
Update 4.7
- Switch button between the Live attendance and Planning reports
- New option to reset the real attendance over 24 hours
- Option to limit the leave days
- Location planning in the work schedule panel
- Added the Leave planning report
- Direct allocation of special leave days
- Notifications regarding the location clock-in
- Added the Organizational Chart
- Other changes and fixes
September 2021
Update 4.6
- Events e-mail notifications
- Modified the “Download events” file
- PIN code clock-in
- Time-off can be displayed in the “Timesheet” report
- Automatic break in the Real attendance
- Option to deactivate reports
- The new project module was launched
- Option for “New contract”
- Other changes and fixes
June 2021
Update 4.5
- The time interval events will subside from the Timesheet
- Automatic generator for the working schedule
- Improvements in the Work Schedule panel
- New permissions for users
- Other changes and fixes
April 2021
Update 4.4
- Half day paid leave
- Developed the “Meal tickets” report
- Developed the “My attendance” panel
- Added the possibility to rename the “Projects” functionality
- Fixes to improve the user experience
- Other repairs and changes
March 2021
Update 4.3
- Added the COVID19 questionnaire
March 2021
Update 4.2
- Developed the setting that allows each user to select a different language
- The option that the employee can edit their own working schedule
- New setting for overtime hours approval
- Search articles directly from the app
- Developed multi user login
- Fixed other bugs
January 2021
Update 4.1
- Design changed and features added in "My attendance"
- The live attendance report divides hours in day and night
- The quota is also calculated in Day data
- Other changes and fixes
December 2020
Update 4.0
- Showing the check-in/out hours and the symbol event in the timesheet
- Worked and free hours columns in the timesheet
- Reasons to terminate employment contracts
- Additional settings in reports
- Real-time report for projects
- Setting workload quota
- Notes for users
- Other repairs and fixes
October 2020
Update 3.9.2
- Medical leave is automatically calculated with 8 hours
- The option to fix columns in the timesheet
- Additional settings for the timesheet
- Leaves calculated in days not hours
- Printing options for the timesheet
- New report for Data export
- Other changes and fixes
August 2020
Update 3.9.1
- Developed and launched the Data export report
- Possibility to associate work shifts with teams
- Developed a filtered search feature
- Other repairs and fixes
July 2020
Update 3.9
- Developed multiple viewing options for the work schedule
- Documents can be personalized with the company's logo
- Developed timesheet with start and end hours
- Predefined events can be personalized
June 2020
Update 3.8
- Updated the app with better viewing options for big companies
- Developed and launched the Employees - contracts report
- Added new search features and validation based on ID
- Other fixes and updates
May 2020
Update 3.7
- Possibility to schedule a Demo with an iFlow specialist
- Update information in the app with an import file
- Introduced online training for iFlow users
- Added Today's status on the Dashboard
- Developed Privacy policy for employees
- Other fixes
April 2020
Update 3.6
- Possibility to see the number of worked hours on the Dashboard
- Developed and launched the check-in/out on locations
- Developed and launched the notifications system
- Employees can see or not see the custom fields
- Developed the import in the salary software
- Developed the billing system
- Added information request
- Other repairs and updates
April 2020
Update 3.5
- Hours can be rounded in the timesheet based on real attendance
- Developed and implemented the "Request edit" option for events
- Possibility to offer or deny access to documents for employees
- Added the setting to set start and end time for night hours
- Possibility to show time interval events in the timesheet
- The option to set the work schedule for the whole year
- Launched automatic inactivation of employees
- Predefined events can be disabled
March 2020
Update 3.4
- Implemented the "Compensatory time" event in the list of predefined events
- Developed and implemented the "Real registry"
- Possibility to set a work schedule on an event
February 2020
Update 3.3
- Possibility to upload fixes and documents in the app
- Fixed little bugs
February 2020
Update 3.2
- Developed and implemented the simplified version of the real attendance
- The HR department can have access solely to the reports
- Developed access to day data from the Dashboard
- Medical leaves can be represented by the same symbol
- Upgraded the Overtime and time-off report
- Employees can see the work schedule
- Optimized the Work schedule panel
- Possibility to lock the timesheet
- Repairs to the mobile app
December 2019
Update 3.1
- Possibility to make multiple selections in the General and Activity panels
- Possibility to upgrade leave days for all employees at the same time
- Possibility to add events directly from the Work schedule panel
- Developed and implemented search features in iFlow
- Developed and implemented interface changes
- Automatic saving of the Work schedule
- Change-log for the employee's profile
- Included chat support in the app
November 2019
Update 3.0
- Developed and implemented the Real attendance report
- Possibility to set custom documents for events
- Overtime hours calculated based on quota
- Upgraded the work schedule panel
- Settings for employees privacy
October 2019
Update 2.9
- Implementat Ghidul de începător pentru utilizatorii noi ai aplicației
- Developed the possibility to clock-in via devices with RFID cards
- Launched the automatic calculations of overtime hours
- Possibility to personalize documents
-Upgraded the work schedule panel
- Upgraded the employee's profile
September 2019
Update 2.8
- Developed permission for the team-leader to edit the work schedule
- Developed and launched the custom fields report
- Implemented settings related to night shifts
- Developed and launched predefined shifts
- Possibility to print the schedule planning
- Developed and launched custom fields
August 2019
Update 2.7
- Developed and launched the timesheet based on real attendance
- Checking in/out of work from phone/tablet with GPS location
- Possibility to register their real working hours
- iFlow subscriptions can be paid online
July 2019
Update 2.6
- Options for overtime hours during or outside of the work schedule
- Developed a new system for the viewing options of the employees
- Options for time-off hours during or outside of the work schedule
- Developed the calculator for leave days for new employees
- Developed and improved the employee's profile
July 2019
Update 2.5
- Requests and certifications available in .word Microfost word format
- Developed and implements permissions for users
- Reports available for download in .Excel format
- New set of filters on the Activity panel
June 2019
Update 2.4
- Implemented the e-mail notifications system for team-leaders
-Implemented the e-mail notifications system for admins
- Employees can see the Work schedule - for viewing
- Creating the pricing and subscription page
May 2019
Update 2.3
- Possibility to check if the registered and added data are correct
- Developed and implemented the warning system in the app
- Possibility to set the start day for employment contracts
- Possibility to set the end day for employment contracts
- Descriptions were added and bugs were fixed
April 2019
Update 2.2
- New information and documents available in the employee's profile
-Created and implemented the menu for "Inactive employees"
- Possibility to personalize and export the timesheet in Excel
- The order of the menu was changed to be more intuitive
- Possibility for team-leaders to add and edit events
- Possibility to change the colors for events
March 2019
Update 2.1
- The possibility to create teams and appoint team-leaders
- Possibility to appoint one team-leader for multiple teams
- Possibility to appoint multiple team-leaders for a team
- Documents for requests are automatically completed
February 2019
Update 2.0
- Possibility to exclude the break from work shifts
- New interface for the Work schedule panel
- New permissions for team-leader
- Filters were added in the app
December 2018
Update 1.1
- The possibility to install iFlow as a browser extension
- iFlow app is available in Google Play Store
- Monthly attendance can be printed
- Windows version launched
November 2018
Update 1.0
- "Terms and conditions" and "Privacy policy" were revised
- The process of adding events was updated
- The reports were changed and new additional reports were added
- The option to give employees access to the app
- Documents automatically generated and completed
- The employee's profile has a new interface
-The Dashboard has a new interface
September 2018
Public launch
iFlow is launched on the market, after 18 months of hard work and development.
March 2017
The beginning of iFlow
March represents the starting point for iFlow when a team was gathered for the first time.
Discover iFlow
Save time and money through effective personnel management!