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DocumentationVacation planning

Vacation planning

This “Vacation Planning” report can be generated from the app based on the number of available vacation days set for each employee. It can be generated on a yearly basis, and unused vacation days from the previous year are reported in the current year.

The structure of the report can be changed from the “Settings” button from where you can choose additional columns to be displayed in the report.

Vacation planning is done automatically by allocating all available vacation days. This will not generate automatic vacation events.

You can print or download the report by clicking on the “Print” and “Download” buttons.

How do I generate the Vacation Planning report?

  • From the main menu “Reports
  • Choose “Vacation Planning
  • Click on “Generate planning

And if you want to change the data, click on “Regenerate Planning”

How does the Vacation Planning report work?

It uses unused vacation days and generates a plan based on these days, not on the total number of paid leave days.

It is essential that this report is generated at the beginning of the year, before employees use the allocated vacation days.

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